Tips For When Losing Job

If you find yourself newly unemployed, you may feel lost and uncertain in regard to obtaining a new job. Perhaps you’ve been at the same place for twenty years or perhaps you’ve decided you want to try something new– regardless of the circumstances, we’ve correlated a list of six tips to assist you in becoming gainfully employed.

1. Create a new email

The first thing you should do if you find yourself suddenly unemployed is create a new professional sounding email. You should stick to variations of your first and last name when creating this new address. Once you’ve set up your new mailbox, import all of your prior contacts and send them a notification stating that you’ve moved on from your previous place of employment.

2. Dust off your old resume

It’s time to take out your old resume and improve upon it. Obviously you will insert the new job skills you learned at your previous job, but you will also want to ensure your resume is up-to-date with today’s standards such as including your previously mentioned new email address.

3. Update your social networks

If you haven’t delved into social networking, now’s the time to sign up for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. If you already have a prominent online persona, start promoting yourself and your abilities. Regardless of your previous job, you have accomplishments and capabilities which need to be shared and spoken of in order to put yourself out there on the new job market. Social networking is an ideal way to find a new job in today’s society.

4. Create new business cards

You were probably tired of the old design listing your prior place of work anyways. So it’s the perfect time to create new business cards listing you and your profession. Business cards have come a long way from the standard design so try to incorporate a little bit of your personality within your cards to make them stand out.

5. Renew old bonds of friendship

Just as you should be networking online to find a job, you should also extend your social networking to include people you see in your day to day life as well as old friends and colleagues you may not have spoken to in a while. The more you network, the sooner you will find the ideal job for you.

6. Improve yourself

While you’re waiting for that call from your future employer, try to invest some time into yourself. Exercise, eat right and get that haircut you’d been putting off for a rainy day.

If at any time you feel the need to speak to an attorney about your previous job or your current unemployment, Cellar Legal, P.A., is the firm to assist you with all of your needs. Richard Cellar, a Fort Lauderdale unemployment lawyer as well as the managing partner and founder of Cellar Legal, P.A., has focused the last fourteen years on employment as well as labor law. His expertise will ensure you receive accurate and helpful advice on any of your issues. When you find yourself suddenly jobless, it may seem impossible to navigate the unemployment maze, but by following the previous six tips as well as contacting Cellar Legal, P.A., you will find yourself back on the road to successful employment